Now or Never 2018


2018 is giving you an opportunity to do that one thing that you have always wanted to try.


Now or never:

Book that trip.

Contact that trainer.

Reach out to someone you look up to or admire.

Learn something you've always wanted to learn.

Apply for that job.

Move to that city.

Make that phone call.

Invest in yourself. Do it! 


Step into that desire that scares you.

You don't need motivation. You need dedication.

Motivation is a temporary feeling that builds you up then fades away until you find something new that sparks your desire to go after your goal. You need dedication. Dedication takes you where you want to go. Dedication does not allow you to give up or make excuses. If you are dedicated, then you must make the change and make the sacrifice until you reach your goal. The sacrifice is not about giving up something. The sacrifice is about investing in you, your future, and your family.


Don't settle in your life...

You have a lot more to give to the world. Your talents, passions, and abilities are not random. They are your calling. You must not settle, but choose the struggle this year. The struggle is a risky thrill that makes it all worth it in the end when you reach your goal. 


2018 is calling you.


2018 is asking you to choose, "NOW or NEVER." 


Reflection Question:

What will you choose to dedicate yourself to this year?


Jessie Wallace1 Comment